new jersey

Teachers Unions Are Bad for Teachers. Here’s Why

Teachers Unions Are Bad for Teachers. Here’s Why

Rigid pay scales, high dues, lousy pension system: Membership has its privileges.

The New Jersey Education Association, the state chapter of the largest teachers union in the country, boasted more than 200,000 members and $154 million in revenue last year. You might think it focuses on helping teachers become more effective and making the public schools better—especially now, with more than 80% of the state’s districts still not offering full-time in-person instruction 13 months after the pandemic began.

Governor Murphy's Virus Math Doesn't Add Up

Governor Murphy's Virus Math Doesn't Add Up

By John McKnight

I have done some research on the state's Virus website.  I am finding that the Governor is not using his own numbers which he claims to be guided by.  Deaths at Long Term Care Facilities number 4556 or 51.8% of the state total of 8801.  The number of deaths in the general population is therefore 4345.  The % of the state population of 8,882,190 is .04%.  That seems to be comparable to other seasonal flus, although it is hard to tell as those numbers are not, conveniently, up to date on the website