Governor Murphy's Virus Math Doesn't Add Up

By John McKnight

I have done some research on the state's Virus website.  I am finding that the Governor is not using his own numbers which he claims to be guided by.  Deaths at Long Term Care Facilities number 4556 or 51.8% of the state total of 8801.  The number of deaths in the general population is therefore 4345.  The % of the state population of 8,882,190 is .04%.  That seems to be comparable to other seasonal flus, although it is hard to tell as those numbers are not, conveniently, up to date on the website.

Someone ask the Governor why he is holding the rest of us hostage when keeping the Long Term Care Facility, where the most vulnerable population lives, closed seems to make the most sense.  Meanwhile the economy will take years to recover from his run and hide attitude.

The state needs to reopen ASAP.  He needs to focus on that not on stopping the virus.  Long Term Care Facilities are where the virus lives, not in the general population.  His logic is flawed and he is not following the numbers as he proclaims.

Hey King Murphy.  Stop Already.  We get it.  The majority of your constituency are adults that understand that there is a health crisis.  OPEN UP THE STATE BEFORE WE'RE ALL BANKRUPT, INCLUDING THE STATE!

You keep making the easy decision to keep us closed.  When I was growing up, it's the sick people that were quarantined not the healthy people.  Mumps, measles german measles, chickenpox  all spread like wildfire before vaccines were developed. Quarantined people had red notices tacked to their doors.  Life and the economy kept on moving.

You are also keeping people from their doctors and hospitals.  We're needlessly delaying important life sustaining procedures because you are keeping the health facilities closed.  The emergency hospital sites that were set up went mostly unused.  Wasted staff, time and money,  while the taxpayers delay important procedures.  You've made one bad, easy-for-you decision after another.  Your easy decisions are hard on us.  The numbers that you refer to, outside of Long Term Care Facilities do not warrant you draconian actions.