By Lee Enochs
Like many Americans, I have been rocked to my very core due to this Coronavirus pandemic. Being placed on virtual house arrest here in California has not been pleasant to say the least.
While I know the health issues related to this contagion are deadly serious and I personally mourn for the loss of life and unparalleled devastation this has caused so many Americans, I believe another serious issue has arisen throughout the United States in respect to the loss of our civil liberties.
In just a few weeks, millions of Americans have lost most of their constitutional rights and civil liberties. Many of us have also lost our jobs and have been reduced to abject poverty over a virus, while mortally serious, has been personally caught by a mere fraction of the world's total population.
While an enormous amount of media attention has been focused on the devastating health issues and economic devastation the Coronavirus has wrought throughout this country, very little attention has been focused on our loss of civil liberties.
Currently, liberty is under siege in the United States. In barely a month. America has been turned into a virtual authoritarian police state where the vast majority of our fellow citizens have been placed on virtual house arrest. Pastors across the country are now being punished for simply conducting church services among their congregants.
All across America, tyranny is being displayed by authoritarian governors, who by almost unmitigated absolute power, are ruling by fiat decree.
Many of us American citizens would like to know why liquor stores are allowed to remain open but churches and gun stores have been deemed "non-essential" by these aforementioned governors and purveyors of absolute and totalitarian control over America.
The time has come for our constitutional rights and civil liberties to be restored back to us by the US Supreme Court, Congress and whoever else can check the unrestrained authority of these state governors.
Liberty is under siege presently in the United States and it's high time for the citizens of the United States of America get all their constitutional rights back last we fall into a state of authoritarian control forever.