Congressman Justin Amash
By Lee Enochs
While the 4th of July is supposed to be a time of celebration, I have to admit upon hearing the news today that libertarian-leaning Michigan Congressman Justin Amash is leaving the Republican Party, I became very sad.
I have been a Republican with Libertarian sympathies my entire life and greatly respect Congressman Amash and his stand for liberty and the Constitution.
Those who are looking for me to bash and trash Justin Amash today, have the wrong idea about me and are barking up the wrong tree.
Although I have never met Congressman Amash, I love him like a brother. I greatly and adamantly admire his staunch defense of Constitutional Republicanism, the rule of law, and the separation of powers as delineated by the Constitution.
So, on this Independence Day, I will not criticize Justin Amash although I disagree vigorously with his call for President Trump’s impeachment.
I will try to critique his Washington Post op-ed soon, but I wanted to share with my family and friends that I still greatly respect Justin Amash and believe he has the constitutional and first amendment right to take this stand.
To declare his “independence from the Republican Party” on the 4th of July is a very bold move on his part. I think he will probably announce he is running for President as a Libertarian or Independent soon.
As I read Congressman Amash’s Washington Post essay today, it made me stop and think about my own commitment to liberty and the Constitution. I will spend several days thinking and praying about his words.
But know this, I love Justin Amash like a brother and I am sad to see him go.
Happy 4th of July.