America Needs to Reconsider Its Foreign Aid Program, Stop Nation Building and End the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

By Lee Enochs

Recently America's Defense Department announced that it has suspended $300 million in funding to Pakistan over what it calls the government's failure to take action against terrorists.

This suspension of aid is part of President Trump's broader cessation of funding to Pakistan which the President announced this past January. 

Trump and his administration believe Pakistan is not doing enough to curtail the terrorist activities of the Taliban and other extremist organizations that the Trump administration says are flourishing in Pakistan with the approval of its government.

"Due to a lack of Pakistani decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy," the $300 million was redirected to "other urgent priorities" before those funds were set to expire on September 30, U.S. Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Koné Faulkner told NPR.

While I personally commend President Trump for cutting off the gravy train from Pakistan, the subject of foreign aid in general should be called into question.

With the national debt now soaring over $21 trillion dollars, the United States cannot afford to continue to dole out endless cash payments to foreign governments.

Also, it is time for the Trump administration to pull America's military out of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and cease attempting to fulfill the NeoCon dream of promoting its vision of globalist nation building abroad.

While cutting Pakistan off from receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in American taxpayer generated money, we need to reconsider our entire approach to foreign aid and foreign interventionism.

Lee Enochs is a political writer and pundit who currently lives in Southern California. Lee’s limited government articles and Op-Ed’s have appeared in newspapers and magazines across the country. Lee is also the author of the book, “The Case for Rand Paul.”